The information contained on the website comes from our own experiences and the producers’ practical applications.

Why invest in mycorrhization?
Many producers of fruit, wine, olives, and other agricultural produce wonder how to combine decent yields and good quality with the requirements of organic or traditional cultivation. Of course, there are many products that facilitate this kind of cultivation, but one...
It is the wild Nature where we find mycorrhizal fungous spawn, extract it, isolate, breed and select the best kinds to offer our customers.
The year 2022 is behind us. The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on what knowledge and experience the past months have brought us and decide whether they will enrich our professional activities in the time ahead.. Last year, we carried out a number of...
Solutions straight from the Bieszczady!
During a long weekend in November, a friend of mine travelled to Zatwarnica in the Bieszczady Mountains. I asked him to go, as soon as he found the strength, to a forested area where cowberries (Vaccinum vitis ideae) and blackberries (Vaccinum myrtillus) grow. He...
INTERESTING OBSERVATIONS ON BLUEBERRIES️ ️ While browsing through online information about mycorrhiza in heathers (Ericaceae), I became curious about a report that mycorrhizal fungi were actually found not only in the roots but also in the shoots. I decided to test...
We would also like to inform that any positive effects and results of experiments only relate to inoculums described as “Living mycorrhizal fungous spawn” (Polish: Zywa grzybnia mikoryzowa) offered by the Mykoflor company.
We would like to proudly announce introduction of new inoculum, dedicated for Truffles (Tuber). Below we present photos of White truffle (Tuber magnatum), Black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), Summer truffle(Tuber aestivum)
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