Preparation of mycorrhizal vaccines

Preparation of mycorrhizal vaccines

Preparation of mycorrhizal vaccines More about the preparation of mycorrhizal vaccines! To show what the vaccine looks like from the inside, we made this video. Of course, this is a bit abbreviated, but the most important thing is to show what is inside the...


NEW YEAR’S REFLECTIONS! In the New Year, in line with the European Union’s increasing pressure to naturalise crops, we should pay particular attention to the introduction of mycorrhizal fungi accompanied by symbiotic bacteria. Here I will share some...
Hemp vs Mycorrhiza!

Hemp vs Mycorrhiza!

Hemp vs Mycorrhiza! Cannabis (Canabis sp.)  is an annual herbaceous plant and, like most plants, benefits from mycorrhizal symbiosis, mainly endomycorrhiza, of course. But like many herbaceous plants having ectomycorrhizal fungi within its root range, it readily...
Presentation on blueberries from the University of Zagreb

Presentation on blueberries from the University of Zagreb

Presentation on blueberries from the University of Zagreb We received a presentation on blueberries, which is the result of research work at the University of Zagreb. W. Szałański- MYKOFLOR Presentation Contact Professional mycorrhiza orders:Włodzimierz...