A vineyard in Tyniec!

Sep 26, 2022English

This April I delivered a mycorrhizal vaccine to Tyniec for mycorrhisation of a new vineyard. In fact, it is a replica of the pre-existing vineyard of the Fr. Benedictines on its previous site. In September, I received an invitation to its christening and opening ceremony. Jurek Nieswadba travelled on my behalf and, of course, made a multimedia report. According to the mycorrhizal rule, the vineyard grows perfectly and gives hope for good wines from better grapes. Video, photos and invitation attached.

P.s. We are successfully mycorrhising not only blueberries.

W. Szałański



Professional mycorrhiza orders:
Włodzimierz Szałański
tel. +48 502 236 128

Rudy 84, 24-130 Końskowola
e-mail: mikoryza@mykoflor.pl

contact in English on business matters / общение на русском языке по деловым вопросам:
+48 697 554 141 – Kamil Staszewski


Mycorrhization services:
mgr Jerzy Nieswadba
tel.: +48 500 031 733, +48 602 535 417
e-mail: jurek@mykoflor.pl


projekt i realizacja