Sep 12, 2022English

The answer to this question is obvious; it absolutely pays off, as it is an investment with a high rate of return. Micorrhisation is a one-off treatment. . The cost of a single treatment on a perennial plantation such as blueberries, raspberries, fruit trees etc. should be considered as an annual part of the life of the crop, as the duration of action of the mycorrhizal fungi coincides with the life of the mycorrhised plant. Unlike chemical treatments, it is a very cheap and effective technology because the treatment is a one-off. For biotechnology is the cheapest way to intensify crop production. After this introduction, we can consider the biological and economic effects of mycorrhisation in more detail on the basis of the owner’s observations in the nursery and plantation of “BERRYLU” (Polish Blueberries) and beyond.

  • Growth and adaptation;

The school has seen a 200% improvement on previous years, rich tillering, and more than 99% acceptance even from weak cuttings. Seedlings planted in the plantation showed a 99.9% acceptance rate with excellent growth dynamics. Mycorrhiza has a significant effect on bushiness and the emergence of new strong shoots from the tillering node (photos earlier).

  • Vitality;

Both the nursery and the mature plantation showed excellent condition and resistance to diseases and pests after micturition. Blueberries are the best plant to grow organically, with mycorrhiza of course. Using chemical plant protection products is downright harmful.

  • Fertilisation;

Of course it is necessary, but why so much? Blueberries, but also other plants, manage minerals completely differently once their roots have been colonised by mycorrhizal fungi. Many observations, mainly on organic plantations, show that 30-50 % of the recommended fertiliser doses, mainly nitrogen, are sufficient for good growth and yield. Saving money for your pocket, your health and the environment.

  • Harvesting;

As a result of mycorrhisation, the effects previously described translate into yield. The fruit of such plants is tastier, healthier in terms of diet, more resistant to transport and disease, and there is simply much more of it, from 20% to 100%. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true because we have been working with mycorrhizae for more than 20 years and have often been surprised ourselves by the yield-forming effects, not only on blueberries.

  • Cost-effectiveness;

Well, it just doesn’t make sense, unless you buy cuttings from a school that does it for you. On an annual basis, the cost of mycorrhisation is less than the savings on fertilisers not to mention protection products and the additional improved yield. Everything else is already a bonus for a brave decision for the sake of your own pocket and our environment.


W. Szałański


Professional mycorrhiza orders:
Włodzimierz Szałański
tel. +48 502 236 128

Rudy 84, 24-130 Końskowola

contact in English on business matters / общение на русском языке по деловым вопросам:
+48 697 554 141 – Kamil Staszewski 

Mycorrhization services:
mgr Jerzy Nieswadba
tel.: +48 500 031 733, +48 602 535 417


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