We have had numerous successes and new experiences both at home and abroad this year. They include:

ECOLOGY – This spring, after several meetings with producers associated with Bio-Concept Company growing fruit and vegetables in the ecological system, we obtained a few orders for  mycorrhisation of plantations of raspberries, strawberries and cucumbers as well as orchards which begin to be cultivated in this system. The effects attained owing to analyses of fruit justify the reason for mycorrhisation especially of these kinds of cultivation. Mycorrhizal fungi are not disturbed by chemical  treatments (pesticides, chemical fertilizers) owing to which their development is not hampered by stressful external factors. A few of examples: mycorrhizal cucumbers are sweeter and of higher specific weight; they are simply tastier; raspberries are also more delicious and their fruits are of a similar size, less hard and less prone to crashing. Obviously, it refers not only to quality but also to increased yielding and clear effects already visible. These initial observations allow us to predict that next season there will be more mycorrhizal plantations owing to which ecological production will be more and more ecological.

Bez Mikoryzy

Without mycorrhiza

Z Mikoryzą

With mycorrhiza



Raspberries with ektomycorrhiza



ORCHARDS – Significant information comes from Wojciechów (Łaziska Commune), where fruit farmers, Jacek and Kamil Kutyna begin organic production and at the same time check how our mycorrhizal vaccines work in conditions of a very high pH level in soils comprising limestone in 80%. After three years of mycorrhisation, you can state that these conditions are the best for taking the vaccine during planting as later trees weakened too much by stress from alkaline environment, are not able to take and feed the mycelium; simply yellow leaves assimilate poorly. A proof of it is a pear orchard with mycorrhizal vaccine, which was  supplemented by local fungi from the deciduous forest nearby, before being planted in the spring 2015. These pear trees have survived in 100% and grow excellently, they are 2 metres high and have survived this year’s drought in a very good condition. Visible yielding is predicted next year. This September new strawberries were planted, obviously with mycorrhization and have survived very well and excellent yields are predicted. This spring, in Kańczuga, on the experimental surface of Bio-Concept, apple trees were planted in order to check influence of our vaccine on their survivability and growth. After vegetation season the trees are well developed and 2.5 metres high. Next year they will bear abundance of  fruit. A photo of Mr Jamrozik and his daughter illustrates it meaningfully.


Apple Tree one year after planting with ektomycorrhiza

VINE –Both Polish and foreign  vineyard owners cannot understand yet that this is the quality which  decides in severe competition conditions, in particular in case of wine. It is difficult to sell this poor one , even at a low price (unless at a local shop). But one of Polish producers, Mr Andrzej Barański has mycorrhizated his GAJ Vineyard in the vicinity of Cracow and has a successful career winning medals for his wines. I am enclosing his letter on the vaccines as a proof. “ Winemakers, I suggest considering mycorrhization of your own vineyard deeply and you will increase your opportunities for success and these words are not in vain; there are a number of proofs”.

BLUEBERRIES – Eventually, this year growers planting new blueberry and cranberry shrubs have perceived mycorrhisation as an opportunity for  adoption of seedlings and consequently, better yielding. A few of new plantings have been vaccinated, which is necessary in case of blueberries. Obviously, many growers do not know that they can save a lot for “acidification” with turf and sulphur as mycorrhizal fungi optimize soil pH in the root- zone of blueberry shrubs. Several trees planted in Wojciechów in pH9 soil and it is limestone aggregate in almost 80% are a proof shown in the photo.

PAULOWNIA – A new plant began to be cultivated as “a magical tree”. Due to its marvellous performance it deserves this name; details on websites of companies organizing the production. I attempt to describe experiments with mycorrhization already taken in Croatia. The first experiment refers to young plants; the ones grew up to 1.60 metres high after 4 (four) months from planting without mycorrhization, and the others with mycorrhization (certainly, with our ectomycorrhization ) grew up to 4 (four)metres high. Given the climate in our zone it will be less but  twice more than in case without applying mycorrhization.  Wood is a marketable yield, which has various applications from constructing buildings to manufacturing furniture. Application of mycorrhizal vaccines allows for shortening growth period to marketable size by 30-50%. Mycelium introduced will remain on roots as a tree re-grows as a Hydra but you need to cut out its “heads”. It means that the vaccine “works” for several decades, which is obviously profitable for a producer.


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TRUFFLES – Although we are not an institute which is granted funds for research the effects of which are doubtful, this year, after 3 years of application of truffle mycelium we obtained in different parts of Croatia pilei of the summer truffle (Tuber aestivum),the white truffle (T. magnatum-pico) and the mesenteric truffle (T. mesentericum.). Own mycelia, isolated from pilei and roots mycorrhizated with plant truffle multiplied to commercial numbers, are used in mycorrhization. This is not a suspension of mixed pilei the effectiveness of which is marginal. Certainly, we  work on new truffle isolates and enhance the old ones all the time. Therefore, we have our own collection of vaccines of all the kinds of truffles commercially important :T. magnatum, T. melanosporum, Tuber aestivum, T. albidum, T. mesentericum, T. brumale  in a number allowing for implementation of significant mycorrhizal orders.

Corylus Tuber

Corylus Tuber


Grzybnia i zarodnie T.aestivum z gruszy

The mycelium and sporangia T.aestivum pear


Grzybnia i zarodnie T.aestivum z gruszy

The mycelium and sporangia T.aestivum pear


T.melanosporum na pożywce

T.melanosporum on the medium


Tropienie Trufli w ogrodzie Uniwersytetu w Zagrzebiu

Tracking Truffle in the garden of the University of Zagreb


Trufla w glebie

Truffle in soil


Znalezione trufle

found truffles

PALM TREES – During several trips to Dubai (ZEA)Robert Ślęzak (Croatia) mycorrhizated palm trees experimentally in various configurations. In those climatic conditions these plants face serious growth problems which are solved effectively by mycorrhizal fungi. Obviously, not only growth effects are visually apparent but also a number of dates is greater and their parameters are better. They also taste delicious. Mycorrhizal orders from this part of the world are predicted.

THE SUMMARY of each company business activity in capitalism is its financial condition resulting from certain orders and good sales. Our company condition becomes better and better as we get more orders and fewer enquiries. Some client consider our vaccines too expensive but you need to remember that they are given ones per life span of the plant (sometimes their farmer’s) and taking an annual installment  and the plant into consideration the price of the vaccine is very low. Its effects are multiple times better and  difficult to obtain not only in ecological cultivations; in some cases cultivation without proper mycorrhization is simply impossible.  We do not persuade nobody to apply our vaccine as we have not so far. We strive our preparations to be better and more effective in competition with “irreplaceable” chemistry and recommended to other producers. There are numerous proofs of it and satisfied clients bring others.